Unleash the full potential of your digital initiatives

Too many companies underestimate the hidden gems of their digital strategy, and it is highly likely that you are one of them.


How does Impulz support its clients?

Creation or redesign of websites and user portals

Did you know that a website redesign can significantly increase conversion rates? A study by Neil Patel showed that a strategic redesign can improve conversions by an average of up to 33%. When shall we get started?

Automation and optimization of your online journeys

User journeys can make or break the customer experience. Have you automated and optimized each step to maximize conversion and satisfaction? (and save you a ton of time!)

Design of management tools (dashboards)

It’s great to have a website and feel like you’ve generated more leads this year than last… but that’s not reliable. How about we turn your data into a decision-making tool?


Management of your LinkedIn account

Managing your presence on LinkedIn can be time-consuming, but it’s essential for your B2B strategy. Why not delegate this task and focus on your core business?

Integration and optimization of ZOHO suite tools

Impulz has advanced expertise in the use and optimization of ZOHO tools (Analytics, Campaigns, Flow, Forms, CRM, Recruit, etc.). We assist in the implementation and optimization of these tools to ensure they are perfectly synchronized and adapted to your business processes.

By outsourcing, you free up time and resources to focus on what matters most: your core business.


Imagine, lead, succeed

Everything begins with…

A 30-minute call

No commitment, neither for you nor for me.

And then ?


Audit and understanding of needs

We have calls and discussions (several times).
The goal? To understand your methods, current processes, vision, and ambitions.


Planning and design

Here, we develop a detailed strategy (a target date, milestones, resources… in short, a schedule) and, depending on the nature of the project, this is the time to make room for creativity (e.g., designing wireframes and mockups for a website).


Development and integration

…following the specifications outlined in the project brief, whether it’s coding, system integration, or deploying specific features.



Testing, launch, training (and follow-up!)

A phase often neglected by some agencies but crucial: testing… and potentially corrections and optimizations.

After a training phase (if necessary), we ensure, over time, that the completed project meets expectations.

You might be wondering...

Impulz offers expertise in web project management, ensuring well-executed projects with meticulous attention to every detail. Our clients particularly appreciate our flexibility, smooth communication, and rigor.


Nice to meet you… I am Camille Mathière, the founder of Impulz Consulting.

With a strong foundation in data-oriented marketing and a keen ear for developments, combined with my recent experiences, I possess expertise that merges the strategic aspects of marketing with the more “mechanical” elements (traditionally associated with a technical/dev profile). My hybrid profile allows me to effectively combine these two areas and confidently meet your needs.

In my daily work, I have my drivers. Among them are the desire to create a positive impact, independence and resilience, discipline, and balance.


Yes, in addition to web project management, we offer SEO and digital marketing services to help improve your site’s visibility, attract more traffic, and convert your visitors.


We use project management tools to allow you to track progress in real time. Biweekly (or weekly) meetings (COPROJ) are held to discuss progress and adjust the plan if necessary.

This depends on the project specifications. Generally, a simple showcase site with a few page levels can be completed in 3 to 6 weeks, while more complex projects can take several months.

We use a variety of tools and technologies depending on the project needs. The list is quite extensive. Here are the tools/technologies used in recent client projects:
  • Website creation, client portals, and intranet: WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, Liferay, SharePoint
  • CRM deployment: Zoho, Hubspot
  • Emailing tool integration: Zoho, Brevo, Mailchimp, Mailjet
  • Analytics and automation: Google Analytics, Matomo, Zapier, Zoho Flow, Make